Community Musicians
Community Musicians are welcome to join via application and audition. Auditions for the fall concert are due September 1st. For the spring concert auditions are due January 20th. Exceptions can be made upon request.
To apply for the Mount Logan Symphony, please complete the following:
An application.
*Audition for woodwinds, brass and percussion is not required, but will secure you a position in the orchestra. Please be sure to give us a brief music bio (question 16) on the application.
Note: Dues for the Mount Logan Symphony are $60 for the fall semester, which helps cover insurance, rehearsal and concert rentals, rented music, and required licenses. Concert tickets are free and an additional benefit, so be sure to invite family and friends!
Audition Notification: You will receive an e-mail notification of your results as soon as your submission can be reviewed, and no later than the end of the first week of September and the first week of January, when USU semesters begin. Feel free to contact us at with any questions.